My name is Brett Burleigh II and I’ve been creating tattoos for 5 years. The weaving of imagination into reality has been happening for the past 37 years.
Since my very first forays into art, science and nature, I’ve been captivated by the natural world and the mark we make on it. The detailed minutiae of life forms has endlessly fascinated and captured my imagination since my youth. While I had always dreamt of creating tattoos, my science enraptured mind always followed the possibilities of fields like paleontology, entomology, mycology and biology at both the micro and macro scales.
Here, these patient and determined fields mingled with a similar interest in the whimsical and vivid arenas of the mind, imagination, folklore, mythology and the occult… aliens, extradimensional beings, thought forms, magick and ritual influenced and enhanced a thirsty & creative mind.
From these humble beginnings, I see the forming of my approach to artistry. Combine all of this with the dedication of a Midwestern work ethic and somehow you’ll get into the approximate neighborhood of my passion as a tattooist.
There are an abundance of ideas constantly percolating in my mind… in a mixture of styles. What’s here and vivid in this moment, might be fleeting and vanished in the coming moments. My stylization is constantly evolving and reforming. I may have an idea for a new design, or a series of designs, but interest always determines my path.
in this way, my life as the roguelike, I always hope to present you with something truly unique and exceptional. A keepsake memorial of a ritualistic moment that encapsulates your ideas into a corporeal essence. Some mark, that transports you beyond space and time to something, some place - ephemeral.